
Luz Camera Pixação

Ein weiterer Film über die Pixacao aus Brasilien ist in der Mache, die beiden Trailer auf deren Website sind wieder mal sehenswert, schwindelerregende Kletteraktionen, für welche die Pichacao bekannt sind inklusive. Das der Film aber hier in Deutschland aufschlagen wird kann man bezweifeln, vielleicht findet sich ja mal ein Verleger welcher das Ganze synchronisiert und auf DVD veröffentlicht. Wer sich up2date halten will das Filmprojekt hat auch einen Blog hier, die beiden Trailer gibts hier

“PICHAÇÃO” is not graffiti. It is a distinction that only has happened in Brazil. As it is incomprehensible for most of the people, is made especially by a peripherized youth, and, of course, stamp the walls without authorization, it became crime, situation that justifies for the society in general all violence that the “pichador” is subjected. Art of not being caught! What a subversion is to sign the whole city with your invented name, especially a city that seems to be not projected for you? This film is so a chance to find in these aesthetic productions, susceptible to be named as “criminals”, fonts to think with audacity, the fragmentations and indifferences that constitute a huge part of the contemporary challenges for our society. The camera always came back literally wet. Camera as aerosol, always on hand, in risk. And us, tired and nervous, paradoxically couldn’t sleep immediately. So, was exactly this uncatchable force that made the film keep on moving naturally, in a way that, almost not perceiving, we had already reached, in around 3 months, a great material, most of them shot in missions at drawn.”
